Finding my old blog is sort of like a time capsule. Thinking of where I left off in 2008 has made me realize how much change has occurred since my writing trailed off into the law school sunset.
Day-to-day, I feel no different and as if nothing much has been accomplished; however, looking at the last 6 years has started giving me perspective.
Here's a sample of what's gone on in my life since November, 2008:
- My first child was born
- I graduated law school
- I passed the California State Bar
- I backpacked across Europe for a month with my wife
- I've visited Japan 4 times and hiked Mt. Fuji
- I've run 5 marathons
- I've assembled and now manage a great team at work, turning a failing company around to record sales (during a financial crisis)
- I host a podcast that has been listened to over 35,000 times
- My diet has changed to become mostly vegan
- I found my love for trumpet and music again