Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Humbled Already

A necessity for law school is Black's Law Dictionary (Unabridged). It is a thick black-leather bound book that is not exorbitant, but runs close to $100.

I've been looking into getting one, if only to get into the habit of looking up words I don't know.

The other day I found myself at Barnes & Noble so I decided to check out their law section. It was easy to find, I just looked for expensive looking, dull books.

After thumbing through the U.S. Constitution and some do-it-yourself divorce books (note: I'm still happily married to my lovely wife), I came across the infamous Black's hiding on the bottom shelf.

A little chill ran up my spine as I decided to learn my first Latin lawyer word. I let the book fall open, a little past half-way through. I was in "P". I let my eyes wander naturally to the first word it picked up -

Pilot: (n) someone who flies a plane
I bowed my head, slowly closed the book and returned it to its spot on the bottom shelf.

Lesson learned.


Miss A said...

i don't think i have ever opened my blacks law. its been in my locker since before school started.